
Elektromechanický pohon pre vyvážené sekčné brány. Možnosť kombinovať s vodiacimi pásmi alebo reťazami. Verzie v kompletných kitoch pre otváranie brán 9m2 / 600 N a 16m2 / 1000 N. Samoučiaca procedúra koncových polôh brány. Nastavenie sily. Zabudovaný prijímač diaľkového ovládania a vstup pre fotobunky. Vstup pre zálož- nú batériu. Obsahuje enkóder. Zabudované LED prídavné svetlo.

cena od: 295,20 € s DPH


    600N / 9m2

    maximálna sila v ťahu

    1000N / 16m2

    maximálna sila v ťahu

    230V version for 1 motor

    Suitable for actuators without encoder

    Autoprogramming of the stroke with slowdowns in opening and closing phase

    Indicator LEDs for simple and immediate diagnostics

    24V version with obstacle detection by current absorption

    Equipped with removable radio receiver and data storage

    Speed regulation by trimmer

    24V version for 1 or 2 motor

    Suitable for actuators with or without encoder

    Autoprogramming of the high precision stroke thanks to the encoder management

    Indicator LEDs for simple and immediate diagnostics

    Precise obstacle detection using the Encoder (in both 24V and 230V versions)

    Equipped with removable radio receiver and data storage

    The dedicated ‚Indicator Light ‚ output allows to signal the position status of the gate

    Regulation of speed, forces and sensitivity by trimmers

    In the 230V version are available a 24V flashing output and a 230V flashing output, that can be programmed as Courtesy Lights